Welcome, My Children

18/08/2010New, not entirely serious song to download! Get it here. Explanation here (it requires one).
12/02/2009I am aware I should have released new music by now. I'm sorry for my laziness. When I do get something out it will be free as a bird to download. It'll also be really good, if you like experimental stuff...
22/07/2008Wow, no news for AGES. Went to a gig tonight, much fun, saw Terrorlapse, Desolated, Mercy Giver and Oceanus - check them out (especially Oceanus, great shiznay!). To anyone I gave a free CD to: thanks for visiting the site! New Indigent material coming in early 2009. Rock.
24/10/2007I have a radio show, mankind is saved. Thursdays 7:00pm-8:00pm GMT I will be hosting "Richard Tomsett's Death Jazz Bonanza" on Fresh Air internet radio. First show on November 1st. Tune in and let my beautiful voice bring you to orgasm. [radio show now over :-(]
30/09/2007Oh, I forgot to mention I'm back, orders can procede normally. Expect a big site update reasonably soon. Images section updated.
14/07/2007I am going away for a bit for a jolly holiday. See here for info regarding orders.
21/02/2007"Simulacrum" is now available from CD baby. It may be cheaper to buy from there if you live in certain areas of the world so go have a look-see. Digital distribution coming soon...
03/02/2007Indigent gets a mention in the Death Metal Special in the latest issue of Zero Tolerance magazine.
25/09/2006Interview with Zero Tolerance added. This is the full transcript for the shorter article that appeared in ZT issue 12.
24/09/2006Apologies for the recent down-time and lack of availability of "Bestial". I have been on holiday for 5 weeks. Tough life these students lead. "Bestial" is now available to download. More reviews for "Simulacrum" added.
07/08/2006Indigent released a single, "Bestial", at Wacken where it was distributed for promotional purposes. It will be available from this web-site soon. More information here.
31/07/2006Indigent interview and review in Zero Tolerance Magazine issue 12 (July - August). Buy it, is good!
01/06/2006"Simulacrum" is now available to buy from Golden Lake Productions.
12/05/2006"Simulacrum" is now available from Grom Records. PayPal errors should be fixed, but please contact me if you have any problems.
04/04/2006Added another short review for "Simulacrum", as well as a new review of the "Indigent" demo believe it or not.
30/03/2006First review of "Simulacrum" is up, from the Mallcore Death zine. Read it here. Oh, and posters for everyone!

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Last Updated: 14-Jan-2005 23:20