Archived News

11/03/2006Site update including updated music page, new lyrics and album information.
11/02/2006"Simulacrum" is now available to purchase. Use the links on the left to buy from me via PayPal. If you would like to pay by other methods, please contact me. More purchase options coming soon...
14/01/2006I finished mastering the CD this evening and, in my biased opinion, it sounds grand. Final versions of "Voice From The Head" and "Ages Past Weeping" are now available to download.
08/12/2005"Ages Past Weeping" is on the Terrorizer #139 cover CD. It's a "tempo flux bomb" apparently. Awesome.
25/11/2005Final mix of "Ages Past Weeping" now available for download here. I am still alive and lurking. Just.
15/06/2005Another new rough mix of a track called "Ages Past Weeping" is available for download here.
18/04/2005For anyone that's interested, I've started blogging my Indigent activites here as the album recording draws to a close. Go on, have a peek into the inner workings of my brain, it's fun in there.
13/04/2005I've posted a rough mix of a new track here. Please send me any comments! Also added a couple more, erm, slightly less than favourable reviews.
01/03/2005New reviews and an interview posted. It's practically impossible to record while at university, plus I've decided to add some 'cello to the album, so it shall not be finished before the end of March...
10/02/2005I keep randomly finding reviews! This one seems to think I use keyboards... Anyway, if anyone knows of any more Indigent reviews that I've missed, please let me know! Work on Simulacrum progressing slowly but surely.
27/01/2005Indigent now has a MySpace account. Go there and add me to your friends, I'm feeling lonely. Also found another review...
16/01/2005Currently undergoing major source revisions. Please ignore any aesthetic aberration!
03/01/2005Happy New Year (yeah I know, but better late than never)! Added a couple more reviews. Started recording "Simulacrum."
09/12/2004Dimebag Darrel RIP. This freaks me out a lot.
06/12/2004"Simulacrum" cover art uploaded, see it in the images section. For more information on "Simulacrum," see the about section.
01/12/2004Another review from The Metal Observer. "Simulacrum" cover art finalised, I shall put it up shortly...
26/10/2004John Peel RIP.
17/10/2004Turns out that Indigent is actually "featured band of the month" on The Metal Observer. Which is cool and groovy.
15/10/2004Interview from The Metal Observer added, you can read in in the reviews section.
15/10/2004Reviews page updated and more reviews added, and links page updated. "Simulacrum" will not be completed until the new year. University has crept up too quickly, and my sanity is in danger of being lost.
14/09/2004Indigent has signed a non-exclusive deal with Statue Records to distribute the self titled demo. It should be available through them at the beginning of October. Work on Simulacrum also progressing slowly but surely.
26/08/2004Another review. These people REALLY didn't like it. Oh well, can't please 'em all...
25/08/2004A couple more reviews. Indigent will be going to university in Durham in October. A most metal city, I'm sure. Argh.
08/08/20042 new reviews added.
02/08/2004Indigent will be releasing a full length album some time in October, under the title of "Simulacrum." The songs are more varied and progressive in nature than on the demo, while I think retaining the unique Indigent atmosphere.
13/07/20042 new reviews added and links updated. The second stage of the Greater Indigent Marketing Programme (GIMP) will shortly be underway.
30/06/2004Links and reviews updated. Indigent has joined a wonderful organisation of bands called Heavycore.
25/05/2004Reviews page added with first review from Hard Beyond Driven. Page errors also fixed.
20/05/2004Links and about page updated. Reviews hopefully coming soon...
18/04/2004New site rolled out. Please report bugs and tell me what you think at the Feedback page. Also, sign up to the mailing list to stay up to date.
21/03/2004Links page updated, specifically with some related bands.
14/03/2004"Poison" got a "Metal Track of the Day" award at last Tuesday! Well, I was happy anyway.
16/02/2004Started recording another track. This will be exclusive to the official release of the demo and won't be on the website... Demos will hopefully be sent out sometime next week. Updated the Links page.
08/02/2004Indigent now has a Soundclick page and mp3 hosting.
23/01/2004mp3s have been uploaded, download them from the Music page. Work also started on artwork for the demo.
14/01/2004The Indigent web-site is now live! A couple more things to add but these will come shortly.
13/01/2004Late this evening I finally finished mixing and mastering all the tracks. It's been a long time, but they're finally ready. Just need to get some artwork done now...
03/07/2003Started to record four songs for Indigent's first demo.
Last Updated: 26-Jun-2006 21:46